As an ever-growing focus turns to educate students in more modern studies, such as science and technology, to help prepare them for the future job market, an education in humanities often gets lost in the hype as non-equivalent.

However, its very nature, which is to help students understand themselves concerning the world via history, including art, literature, and more, can serve as the base for their career, giving them a greater appreciation and focus for what they do, which helps contribute to a better society.

There are many reasons to teach students humanities projects and classes in school, including:

1. It Enriches the Soul and Makes Students More Cultured

Education in humanities exposes students to art, music, theatre, and more, which teaches them to understand the beauty and good of such works, thus enriching their souls and making them more cultured.

It can also inspire students to become more artistic themselves, thus producing good works to help uplift humankind.

2. It Teaches Empathy and Compassion, Which are needed to Create a More Civil Society.

Exploring other cultures’ collective stories, beliefs, and creative works also helps students see what connects us as a people, thus fostering empathy and peace for others across the globe, which is needed to build a more compassionate, thoughtful, civil, and prosperous world.

World history scholars remind us that the failure of people to see themselves in others is to blame for some of the most shameful events in history.

3. It Teaches Students to Think Critically, Argue, and Present Ideas, Which is Important for all Careers

An education in Humanities also prepares students to question evidence and view inquiries from all sides via various topics, such as philosophy, political science, social science, and theology, thus preparing them to think more intellectually, morally, and spiritually.

This way, they become more informed individuals ready to argue and present ideas for equality, social justice, and more, which are also humanistic skills needed to help build a better workplace and society.

Furthermore, speaking and writing skills are emphasized across all Humanities subjects, which also teaches students how to effectively communicate and express their ideas effectively that can lead to change.

4. It Broadens Students’ Perspectives, Which Expands Their Possibilities

Exploring the different Humanities disciplines also forces students to expand their
perspective, which allows them to see beyond their everyday limited view, thus exposing them to more opportunities.

This, in turn, helps them dream bigger as they realize what they can accomplish in the world.

5. It Teaches Students to be Creative/Original

Creativity and originality are also encouraged in Humanities classes, which helps birth innovators across various fields, including science, medicine, technology, entertainment, and more, which also help inspire change.

Thus, Humanities also plays an important role in preparing a generation of young thinkers in the job market by increasing their understanding and appreciation of their place in the world for maximum results in their careers.